Thursday, July 10, 2008

The Public Understanding of Science

I've recorded the titles, authors' names, authors' disciplines, frameworks, and theories used in PUS from 1999 to 2008. So far, I've found that:

1) everyone likes public engagement, but people are still debating on its merits
2) most of the authors are from comm and sociology
3) default mode of structural functionalism (thank you, Dr. Tucker!) predominates
4) lots of people do a lot of media report counting to come up with research results
5) understanding a debate and its vocabulary (its rhetoric and its discourse) is essential to understanding how people in it should understand each other (or how they didn't understand each other to begin with)
6) There are predominant themes too:
a) consensus conferences
b) global warming
c) biotechnology
d) cloning
e) gender specific attitudes to science
f) how the public learns science
g) who likes science, and who doesn't

Now, for some Science, Technology, and Human Values!

*slurps more coffee*

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